Daler-Rowney Retouching Varnish (75ml) Pack of 1

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Sale price₹ 450.00 Regular price₹ 500.00


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Daler-Rowney Retouching Varnish is a versatile varnish that is used to bring back the original paint quality of dry or dull oil paints.

  • Daler-Rowney Retouching Varnish can be reduced with solvents, and it is much thinner than final top coat varnishes.
  • It can be used as a preliminary varnish as soon as the paint surface is dry to the touch, since oil paints can continue to dry out through the film.
  • This can be useful for varnishing a new painting before an exhibition. After a painting is fully dry, a retouching varnish can be removed with turpentine or mineral spirits prior to final varnishing, or it can be left underneath the final varnish.

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