Camel Artist Oil Colour Individual tube of Camlin Blue in 120 ml

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Sale price₹ 585.00 Regular price₹ 650.00


Estimated Delivery Time: 4-7 Business Days


First introduced in 1965

This shade has been specifically formulated on the basis of Winsor Blue, to offer high-quality colours that are made in India.

Working Time High
Drying Time Slow. May vary on shades, application, medium, weather conditions, and surface
Shade Camlin Blue
Shade Code 051
Series Number 2
Pigment Code PY 3, PB 15:1
Transparency Semi Transparent. Balanced shades that offer both boldness and visibility of the background.
Permanency B, Better Permanency can be achieved if used in Mass Tone or not used in Reduced and Wash Tone with shades that have a Permanency rating of B and C
Superior effects with high-quality pigments and greater pigment load
To be used on primed canvas/paper only
Must be used with Linseed Oil as primary medium
Can be used in impasto, glaze and wash techniques
Ideal for 'Wet in Wet' blending
'‘Fat Over Lean’ technique offers the best results and long life. The base coat should have a minimal amount of oil medium while the subsequent coats will gradually increase the ratio of oil to shade

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