Realbrush PRO are modern paint brushes enclosed in a marker housing (so-called Realbrush markers) that offer a large selection of pre-made colors. They allow you to create an infinite number of additional colors and their shades using popular techniques of mixing and applying colors. They are made using “free ink” technology, so the color intensity remains unchanged until the last drop. They contain 2.4 ml of non-toxic, intensive dye-based paint or, for neon colors, pigment-based paint. Brush size: 4mm.
Realbrush PRO Basic Colors + Blender – a set containing 12 brushes (11 colors and 1 blender) in an exclusive, easy-to-storage and protective case. Colors in the set: canary 166,gold 283,amber 195,red 209,cerise 375,lilac 226,royal blue045,turquise 654,ocean teal 377,grass 253,henna 105,blender