Brustro Artists Greengold Acrylic Brush Fan Series 1800 - Size - 8

Sale price₹ 199.00


Estimated Delivery Time: 4-7 Business Days


  • Brustro Greengold fan brush will become your new best friend if you’ve ever tried painting trees, grasses, shrubbery, or even abstract watery types of designs with acrylic paints.
  • Fan brushes, as the name would imply, have a fan shaped tip. These brushes are great for blending backgrounds and skies, as well as adding subtle highlights to darker areas.
  • You can also play around with a lot of different textures using a fan brush. If you tap the brush, you will get a different effect than if you simply create long brush strokes with it.
  • While we often associate these brushes for painting nature elements and landscapes in acrylics, these brushes can also be excellent for adding fun textures and different designs in your mixed media art journals and abstract paintings as well!
Colour Dark Green
Material Wood
Size 8
Paint Type Acrylic, Gouache

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