Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors Tube, 5ml, (Cerulean Blue, Chromium)

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Sale price₹ 688.00 Regular price₹ 765.00


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  • Beautiful on its own, and especially so when mixed with a transparent pigment, this sky blue inorganic pigment is granular and medium-light in value.
  • Highly permanent and extremely low-staining, Cerulean Blue creates exciting granulation and settling washes.
  • A drop of Cerulean Blue into a damp wash such as Burnt Sienna creates a halo effect around the more dense Cerulean.
  • This is especially effective when Quinacridone Gold or Quinacridone Burnt Orange are used in the moist underpainting.
  • This technique is great for rendering lichen and Spanish Moss. Add Buff Titanium, Undersea Green and touches of Lunar Black - each a DANIEL SMITH exclusive - and the creative fun truly begins!
  • For a misty landscape or that dusky quality on eggplant, grapes and plums, think Cerulean as a mixer.
  • These watercolors span the color spectrum from the historical to natural earth and quinacridones.
  • Outstanding color strength, extremely vibrant colors and excellent brushing properties make these paints desirable for any watercolor artist.
  • The pigments are procured from every continent except Antarctica, and the paints are manufactured in Seattle, Washington. 5ml tubes.

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