Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors Tube, 5ml, (Bloodstone Geniune)

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Sale price₹ 688.00 Regular price₹ 765.00


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  • DANIEL SMITH, is the Innovative Manufacturer of Beautiful Watercolors for Artists Worldwide, now offers a smaller, 5ml tube in 88 of their most popular colors, including some of their PrimaTek watercolors.
  • DANIEL SMITH makes the largest range of watercolors of any manufacturer, more than 240 colors are available in the original 15ml tubes.
  • The 240+ color collection includes the exciting PrimaTek watercolors made from minerals (like Amethyst) plus other unique colors (like Moonglow) not available elsewhere, and Luminescent Watercolors which allow artists to capture the luminescent colors that exist in nature that regular watercolors cannot capture!
  • Bloodstone is legendary for its mystical, magical and medicinal properties. Sacred to Christians, who believe the dark red drops in this green jasper represent the blood of Christ. Our Bloodstone Genuine is part of our line of superb PrimaTek naturally pigmented watercolors.
  • Its' intense and velvety aubergine mass tone develops into a warm gray wash that lifts beautifully and provides immediate gratification when it comes to granulation, be it on hot- or cold-pressed paper.
  • Bloodstone mixes very well with each of our more than 240 watercolors and is especially wonderful with transparent Rhodonite Genuine and Quinacridone Burnt Orange.
  • These watercolors span the color spectrum from the historical to natural earth and quinacridones.
  • Outstanding color strength, extremely vibrant colors and excellent brushing properties make these paints desirable for any watercolor artist.
  • The pigments are procured from every continent except Antarctica, and the paints are manufactured in Seattle, Washington. 5ml tubes.

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